Have you spent time and effort to create a low-EMF environment at home?
Do you wish you could take that environment with you when you travel?
I do.
These are my top tips for reducing EMF when you are staying in a hotel room.
As you know, there are 4 types of man-made EMFs that require different methods for reducing exposure:
To reduce AC electric fields:
- Unplug bedside lamps that have an ungrounded, 2-prong power cord. Photo credit: Paul Postema
- Unplug electric clock or music player.
To reduce AC magnetic fields:
- Unplug electric clock.
- Request a room away from an elevator, utility closet or ice machine.
To reduce radio frequency radiation (RF):
- Request a room away from the lobby. There can be a lot of RF from WiFi routers and other wireless devices in the hotel office area.
- Request a room on a lower floor (often less RF from nearby cell towers compared to a higher floor) at the end of the wing.
- Check your room with an RF meter. Confirm that the TV is not emitting RF and that there are no WiFi routers in the room.
- Create a temporary bed canopy with a sheet of Naturell RF shielding fabric. Tuck the fabric behind the headboard of the bed and drape it over the top off the bedding so that the fabric is not directly touching your skin.
- If you find a wireless device, cover it loosely with a small piece of Naturell fabric while you are in the room. Do not leave it unattended when you leave the room.
To reduce dirty electricity:
- Pack one Stetzer or Greenwave filter to plug in to an outlet in the room. Choose an outlet away from the bed since these filters are a point source of AC magnetic fields. Always test the outlet with an outlet tester to verify that the outlet is wired properly before plugging in a filter. An outlet tester is included in the Dirty Electricity Test Kit recommended below.
Here are the consumer-grade meters that I recommend for clients. Many of my colleagues and clients pack their meters when they travel.
MK15 Electrosmog Test Kit (AC electric fields, AC magnetic fields and RF)
Dirty Electricity Test Kit (dirty electricity)
You can enter code SAGELIVING5 during checkout for a 5% discount on any of the products listed above.
What low-EMF tips do you use when you travel?
Note: these are general recommendations only. Consult with your doctor or health care practitioner first if you have any concerns.