EMF Videos
Want to learn more about EMF? Start with these videos. I work with clients everyday who feel better when we lower the EMF levels in their home. I believe in empowering clients to take proactive steps to improve their health and live their best life.

Is EMF Exposure Impacting Your Health?
Dr. Samia McCully ND of Wellness Architecture and Stephanie Kerst, Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist on how common health symptoms can be relieved with a reduction in exposure to wireless EMF. Watch the 5 part video series now!
Part 1: Is EMF a Stealth Cause of Fatigue?
Part 2: Is EMF Affecting Your Sleep?
Part 3: Can EMF Contribute to Headaches?
Part 4: EMF and Tinnitus: Is Your Cell Phone a Culprit?
Part 5: EMF and Fertility – What You Need to Know